If drops can make oceans, you can make a difference
Hello, welcome to our website! We are a group of young students that want to make a difference in nowadays society.
We have been taught that to stop contamination, especially of our oceans, we should do the following: recycling, reducing and reusing which is great, yet we want to introduce another 'R'; replace. We can replace most of the plastic we use by other materials.
In addition to the 3r's (reduce,reuse and recycle) we introduce to you, the fourth 'R':

The zero-plastic guide
Here you will find replacements for many plastics as well as where to buy them and how many kg of plastic you would reduce by using the replacements instead of 1000 plastic objects (for example if instead of using 1000 plastic bottles during a 1 year period you used a hydroflask you would prevent 18 kg of plastic ending up in the sea) . There are specialised tables for travelers, teenagers and schools.