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If drops can make oceans, you can make a difference
Hello, welcome to our website! We are a group of young students that want to make a difference in nowadays society.
We have been taught that to stop contamination, especially of our oceans, we should do the following: recycling, reducing and reusing which is great, yet we want to introduce another 'R'; replace. We can replace most of the plastic we use by other materials.
In addition to the 3r's (reduce,reuse and recycle) we introduce to you, the fourth 'R':

You can change the future of our seas, never forget that any small contribution can help, just by refusing to use a plastic water bottle you are already contribuiting. Remember that if droplets make oceans you can make a difference.
We are working with the organisation "Save The Med" their objective is cleaning and saving our beloved mediterranean sea. Our home. Learn more about them in
How you can help us.

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